Monday, October 27, 2008


Revenant has been my favorite character since his inception a couple of years ago. I based him a little on the Blade movies and a little on Mulder from X-Files. He's not a vampire, or a FBI agent who thinks the whole world is full of aliens though. One of the Revenants main powers is his ridiculous regenerative powers. He literally heals ANY wound within seconds. Much more so than even Wolverine heals.

Another of his powers is ability to sense and control wards. His body is covered in tattoos of various types. The giant Eagle on his back, was done using his own blood, to eliminate an immediate rejection of ink from his body due to his extreme healing factor. This Eagle is his way to see into the astral world and sense anything ethereal in his immediate area.

On his left hand he has a 16 pointed sun, also inked in his own blood, that helps me force his way through wards and can actually damage other worldly creature with his willpower. On his chest is a large Celtic cross which wards away vampires and werewolves. Each part of his body holds other tattoos which do various things to protect him from the undead.

I recently started playing this character again and instantly fell in love. My only problem is that I can't seem to find the original version of this character. I know that I am missing certain things and aspects of him that were cool but I have long since forgot. I was only able to play this character for a few hours one night and since then he has been resting in my created characters but rarely used graveyard. I just need to know where to dig to find him.
